What is EliteSurveySites Verified ?

ESS Last Update: November 29, 2024


Helping you to save time & earn more

What is EliteSurveySites Verified?

EliteSurveySites Verified is a special certification that we have added to selected survey companies on our website.

While we make every effort to ensure that each and every survey site we tell you about is 100% safe and legitimate, our verified certification goes a step further and shows you the very best survey sites you should know about.

These are panels that:

  • Have a proven record of regular surveys & payouts
  • Have a awesome reward system
  • Offer higher rewards than other companies

We use a complex numbers of factors to determine each survey’s legitimacy.

EliteSurveySites Verified Mission – to Finally Show You the Best Legit Panels !

Each company is hand-picked by our expert team, and is in no way manipulated or swayed by any third party, instead it is made up on our own personal discretion, this is made up of a number of factors, including the tipoffs and opinions you, the readers, regularly send in to us!

Here are some of the criteria that we use:

  • The most important criteria we use are the feedback from our users. We are very appreciative of all of your comments and encourage you to keep sending them in… Thanks so much!
  • We regularly read reviews from authority websites such as the BBB (Better Business Bureau), almost all of the companies featured on our website have at least an A grade rating there.
  • We focus on relatively big companies, for example: Almost all of the EliteSurveySites Verified panels have paid out more than $1,000,000 to their users. There are still companies that have paid out less than this amount, but we still believe they deserve our recognition.
  • We carefully read their Terms and Privacy and decide whether these would meet most people’s expectations.
  • We take everything we read in context and do not just rely on one persons “opinion”, which could be truthful or not.
  • We examine each panel for at least one year before we decide whether to verify it or not.

Saves You Time and Money

EliteSurveySites Verified has been developed to help users save time.

Very often people waste a lot of our time reading conflicting views online and it can be hard to determine whether a survey site is worth our time or not.

Although we teach our readers how to find legitimate survey sites themselves, we also decided to develop this certification for those who just wish to start earning quickly without doing too much research beforehand.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from reading more information on the other panels. What it does mean however is that you can get started quickly and decide to read our additional advice in your own time.

Not a Star System

It’s not a star system where one panel is better than another, as we believe that those who register to as many survey sites as possible, tend to earn the most amount. Instead a panel either has this verification or not.

High Paying Offers

Although the overall mission of EliteSurveySites Verified is to help you find the most legitimate companies, we have also decided to include the highest paying offers as a factor, as well. Of course how much you make is up to you! Some people will earn more than others, however we believe that these panels will give you the best opportunity possible to earn more money from paid surveys.

In Addition

EliteSurveySItes Verified is not a permanent verification, we are constantly monitoring new and “up and coming” companies, so each verification can be added or removed at any time if we deem necessary.

This verification is not placed on all companies we list; it’s more about our way of trying to show you the very best companies that will make you the most money.

We will never risk our reputation by showing scam panels and misleading information on our site. For this reason we put a huge amount of time and effort into making sure each site is 100% legitimate.