Welcome to The First Surveys About Paid Surveys in 2017!

ESS Last Update: January 4, 2022

Please Help Us Understand What You Think About Paid Surveys and We Will Pay $100 to 3 People!


  1. Complete all of the surveys here;
  2. Provide your name and correct PayPal e-mail;
  3. Wait until we get at least 300 answers to all surveys. Then we will pick 3 random people and award them $100 each … sweet 🙂

It should take you only 20 minutes to do this.

Elite Survey Sites is the first site that tries to get answers from you about what you actually think about paid surveys. View results here.

But … that’s not all. In fact, when you complete our surveys, you help us improve our site, but you also do another very important thing. By letting us know what you think about paid surveys, we can understand your problems with surveys and we REPORT them to ALL survey panels you work with! We encourage them to make changes that you want them to make. That way, we are sure that with your help, we will improve the whole paid survey world. Is this impossible? Yes, you’d say. Actually, not so impossible. Every paid survey company has their interest to provide better service to their customers (YOU). By letting them know what you want from them, they will have a motivation to change that so that they become more popular and make more money.

Let us know what you want: Paypal payment or faster payment; quick or long surveys; invitation for focus groups or mystery shopping offers; regular or mobile surveys. Don’t like our ranking of survey panels – change it? Having an exact idea what they can improve? Facing problems with disqualification? Want to report a survey panel to us? Now you can improve all of this!

And before we begin … PLEASE share this link. The ONLY reason for doing these surveys is to understand better what you want and try to help you. You have our word that the surveys here are absolutely non-profitable (don’t expect to find some stupid banners on this page) and will always be.


Our surveys are closed!


Now It’t Time to Make Some Money … 🙂

Review Our Latest Ranking of Best Survey Panels 2022 !