Whether you have a great job that you love or if you need some extra cash to help you through a tough time, taking surveys is a good way to make up the difference. Signing up to a survey panel offers members various ways to put some money in the back pocket, without need for special skills or qualifications. You can take surveys on your PC, laptop, tablet or phone.
The key to success is to sign up for as many panels as you can, as individually panels do not pay all that much, but when you are completing surveys from different sources, cash can build up nicely.
Another important issue is to obviously look for the best paying panels and also for the sites that offer sweepstakes as part of their rewards system. Many people don’t know about them. Today we discuss sweepstakes survey opportunities.
Sweepstakes are instant cash payments for entries in a lucky draw. Depending on the different panel sites, the draws usually take place monthly, quarterly and sometimes weekly or bi-weekly.
What is great about sweepstakes is that you don’t have to do anything. You are automatically counted. Register and wait. That is. This is another great reason for registering with many survey panels. In fact, there are some of them, that request you to complete some numbers of surveys. We have carefully described that on our list of best survey panels. Read under “Additional Information”. This will help you find how every survey panel work.
The cash prizes are substantial, and could be $100 or more for the winner. Entries for the sweepstakes are mostly automatic, and entries are earned by the number of surveys you successfully complete, as well as the points you accumulate.
A sweepstakes win is also exciting and valuable. The more entries you have, the better chance you have of winning something.
Some sites offer better odds than others and those are the ones to focus on. Here is a list of the top 10 that provide good bonus points for more entries into the draw, which increase your chances of winning.
These sites are all legitimate, reliable and highly regarded.
Certain stores have surveys with sweepstakes at the bottom on their receipts. If you complete the survey you stand a chance of winning a sweepstake prize, where the odds are quite good.
For example, one of the stores is retailer Dollar Tree, who actually give away $1000 plus on a daily basis, in addition to $1500 weekly in instant cash prizes.
Keep checking your receipts and complete the surveys to benefit. You may just be lucky!
To boost you chances of winning sweepstakes, you need to work hard at earning survey points which are the basis of your entries. Many of the sites are generous with their prizes and it is entirely possible for you to get your share. Just be patient – and keep trying.