Your Account Has Been Deactivated – Pro Tips On What to Do If This Happens to You
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Your Account Has Been Deactivated – Pro Tips On What to Do If This Happens to You

EPF January 25, 2018

You use your best survey panel with success, you make money with it. But one day you try to log in and you find that the company has deactivated your account. What does this mean and what to do in this situation? Let’s discuss this now.

Well, this happens from time to time to people. In this case, especially if you want to get your account back, you have to identify the reason. So this would be your first step.


Identify The Reason.

The problem with this step is that in some of the cases you don’t know exactly why they have banned you. And the right thing to do is to ask them if you are not sure. But in most of the cases this can happen for one of these reasons:

You Didn’t Answer Survey Questions Honestly.

This is a really huge mistake that people make. In case you are one of those people who only try to deceive survey panels by clicking buttons without paying attention to the questions, this can lead to your account getting banned. Companies that ordered the survey carefully read people’s answers and if they doubt your honesty, they can report you to the survey panel. This can lead to a warning, deleting your points from this specific survey, or if you do this continuously, this can lead to you getting banned.

We’ve already discussed many ways that panels use to determine your honesty and you can find a more advanced explanation in our guide “Paid Surveys Cash”. But in brief:

– They use interconnected questions in the surveys.

– They check some basic details that you have already provided in your profile survey or previous surveys.

– They use forms where people express their opinion in the survey they are doing.

– And many more…

Unfortunately, they don’t reveal exactly how they check for dishonesty. Each survey panel has their own unique system. And therefore, each panel has its own tolerance level to people who are not honest. For example, one panel can ban you after the first report, other can only warn you, take you points back and ban you only if this behavior continues for some time.

Solution: Be honest and pay attention to the questions. This is much easier than wasting your time on trying to find out how they identify dishonest people. Don’t risk your account if the survey panel works well for you.

Because of Using Proxy

Typically, people use proxies because the registration from their country is not allowed. Don’t do that. If the survey panel doesn’t accept people from your country, this means that you have to focus on other panels where people from your country can register. It is true that many people succeed in cheating panels that way, but in time panels discover them and ban their accounts and of course, all of their money. In brief, if you do that, you’ll lose your time. Note also that providing incorrect details is illegal and we at EliteSurveySites definitely don’t recommend this.

You Have Posted Incorrect Personal Information in Your Profile Surveys

If you write that you have a car, then you will definitely qualify for more surveys related to cars. But what if you actually don’t have a car … This is something that they can find in time.

We highly recommend that you provide correct details about yourself in your profile survey. In addition, update it few times a year or if something changes in your life like getting a degree, buying a car and so on.

Fake PayPal or Payment Details

This is pretty illegal. Don’t do it! In brief, people do this in their efforts to hide their real location and identity. It is a step that some of the people who try to register via proxy make. But this time, the illegal issues can be more serious …

Staying Inactive For a Long Time.

Do you know that most of the survey panels offer a contest that only active users receive? So, if you complete at least one survey a month, for example, they will give you an active status (in reality, the active status varies by different panels) and then you qualify for their prizes.

But also, if you register and stay inactive for a long time, you risk your account again. Most of these panels have millions of members and you are really only a burden to their system. They, let’s say, are not interested in you.

These were the most common reasons for people getting their account deleted. But there are more, of course.

The problem is that sometimes people don’t know the exact reason.

So, let’s say that you have been banned from a panel that made you money. Now what?

Let’s give you some tips on what to do in this situation.


How to Restore Your Account?

If you don’t know the reason, you should ask them what is going on and tell them that you want to get back and make money with them. Explain them how important you are for their company and ask them what you can do to get back.

However, maybe you actually know the reason. You are sure that you did something wrong or they actually gave you information and the reason for deleting your account.


  • If your dishonesty is the reason, you can try to tell them that you are sorry. Tell them that you are new to paid surveys and you were not sure what to do. Tell them that you completely understand your mistake and now you know what not to do. Note that in any of the cases panels can’t be exactly sure if you have actually been dishonest or not. This is your opinion. And no one can tell you exactly what your opinion is. So, for sure there will be cases of obvious dishonesty on your end, but there will also be cases when companies can’t be sure that you have been dishonest. Use this trick to your advantage!
  • If the reason is that you have been using some illegal payment information, a proxy or so on, then don’t ask them anything anymore. This is an illegal thing and we are not sure what exactly you would tell to them. ‘I’m sorry for providing a different name, PayPal’ or so on … This definitely won’t work.
  • You posted some incorrect details in your profile survey. If the problem is not so obvious, you can say it was a mistake, ‘I’m new to survey panels, please restore my account, I fully understand my mistake, this won’t happen again.’
  • If you have been deactivated because of staying inactive for a long time, then it seems that there is nothing done against them and their policies. So, you are good to go and ask for a new account. Let them know that you plan to regularly complete surveys now and you really want to work with them. And you are sorry because you have been very busy lately.


Will you get your account restored? Well, although we don’t have the exact stats, we believe that chances are low. Look, these companies are big and most of them have millions of panelists. And if they have already decided that they don’t need you, they probably won’t restore your account. But of course, no one can stop us from trying. Why not? Try, ask. In addition, you can try to register another person from your family.


We are really interested to hear your story. Tell us:

  • What is the panel that banned your account?
  • Why have you been banned?
  • Did they explain the reason in detail and do you agree with them?
  • Have you tried to restore your account?
  • What is the exact message that you wrote to them?
  • Did they restore your account and if so, after how much time?
  • If not, did they give you the reason why they don’t plan to give you another chance, or there was no response?
  • Do you believe that their action was honest or you feel that you made a mistake?
  • Do you think that there are exact rules on their website that explain how they ban accounts and what they should change regarding banned accounts?

We will be really happy to know some stories about that problem. Please post a comment below. We will read and express our opinion about your case.

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